EASEL OF Carly Milligan
I am open to critique
I'm trying to focus on realism in my paintings, edge control, value/color relations, all that jazz. I'm also wanting to push my concepts and style. Currently I lean very heavily on narrative in my illustrations. So I think it would be good to explore more conceptual pieces and unique styles. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
Very promising. Soft edges don’t seem to be a problem for you, but you might try sharpening a few, especially where you want to focus attention. Perhaps on the lips and the tip of the nose. And a bit of sparkle in the eyes will help to bring her alive.
this is good. there is not much wrong with it. The proportions are accurate. The values are working together. you’ve avoided some common mistakes like white in the eyes and black in the eyebrows. I would correct the left eye, her right eye, its pointing in a way that makes her look cross eyed.
If you want to add more complexity to your portraits rather than going in and making small details, which is good practice, but I think working with more colors would be more useful to you. Instead of finding an accurate skintone and laying it down, experiment different colors and layer colors closer and closer to your fleshy color. You can put reds in the shadow and on the nose and build up with flesh colors from there, I’ve seen this done wet on wet. There are so many ways to do color in portraits that there is no real way to tell you what to do, you have to experiment, sometimes with colors you would not expect!
I suggested some red on the ear… if your ever having trouble just be like Sargent: https://i2.wp.com/www.gailsibley.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Screen-Shot-2013-10-31-at-3.28.52-PM.png?resize=646%2C523